Sandy Roumagoux Northwest Painter


Sandy Roumagoux Blackfish Talk
May 2013, Portland, OR

Sandy Roumagoux at Blackfish Gallery Opening
March 2011, Portland, OR

Sandy Roumagoux at Blackfish Gallery Opening
Sept 2009, Portland, OR

Beaver Creek Art Show
Beaver Creek, Oregon

Art talk with Sandra Roumagoux & Jana Demartini
Pt 1: Influences 

Art Talk
Part 2: Creative Process & Risk Taking 

Art Talk
Part 3: Q & A and Techniques 

Art Talk
Part 4: Q & A continued: Locations & Emotions


Heaven Bound, the Book

Heaven Bound

21 paintings by Sandy Roumagoux
21 poems by James Fleming

Heaven Bound, the collaboration of Sandy Roumagoux's paintings and Jim Fleming's poems comes from a bonded pair who knew each other intimately, not in the biblical sense, but with the unison of souls painters and poets have had since before creation...

Learn more here...